Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Cathedral of Sevilla

In 1401, Christians destroyed the 12th century Almohad mosque to clear space for this massive cathedral. The reconquistadors constructed a church so great, they said "those who come after us will take us for madmen". It took more than a century to build and is the world's third largest cathedral and the biggest Gothic edifice ever constructed. It truly is so massive I really do not think I need to go to another catherdral any time soon. It was 3pm when we left the catherdral and Elizabeth wanted to get some lunch. So, we did not make it to the museum of the Indies, which is where Christopher Columbus' diary is.

I will post pictures of the inside tomorrow. It is very late and I am getting tired.
Until tomorrow.

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1 comment:

Aunt Janice said...

I just got through looking at all the photos, they are so good. The "Happy Pill" shop is priceless. I also liked the chocolate pastry. Please enjoy the rest of your trip. Keep the blog going.

Love, Aunt Janice